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Frequently Asked Questions

The five W’s of beWise

What’s beWise?

A lawful platform solution enabling freelancers to do business with both old economy and new economy companies.
beWise takes care of regulatory issues and acts as a trusted intermediary-provider for you and your client. beWise enables the sending of invoices and receiving of payments in an accountable and legal manner.

We utilize a network of EU-registered partner companies in your nominated field of business to establish a contractual relation between the service provider and recipient clients. The partner companies generate the invoice. beWise then makes sure the client gets a correct invoice and you get the right payment.

What are the EU companies referred to?

We utilize a network of EU-registered partner companies in client-related fields of business to generate our invoices. The EU applies IFRS Standards to companies for their consolidated financial statements. These standards offer the equivalent oversight to the GAAP standards used in the US. We selected EU partners precisely because we will always offer an audit-friendly, risk-eliminating way for our clients to do business!

What makes the system great?

beWise is legal, easy, low cost and designed for future-focused freelancers and companies, but without compromising on legality. Other companies offer ‘e-mail invoices’ that have no real-world legal standing, and don’t provide contractual backing for the services being offered. These ‘grey’ solutions put their clients at risk. Instead, we aim to provide a safe meeting point for the new economy workers and companies to operate within ‘old economy’ legal frameworks. We do all this in an easy to use, fast and low-cost system that also allows users to monitor and track their invoices and payments.

Which locations can use these services?

The beWise platform can be used from almost all countries across the globe. That’s why we have clients in more than 20 countries, including France, Korea, India, UK, Turkey, Poland, China, USA, Brazil. Our AML procedure lists the countries we are restricted from working with.

When do I get paid?

As soon as the client has paid. Crypto payments are the shortest way to make transactions and we aim to make the payment within a day of receiving the money.

Invoicing with beWise

As a Freelancer, can I send invoices to clients from any country?

Yes. So long as your clients have a valid VAT number, you can send invoices to them regardless of where they are. However, the absence of a valid VAT number may bring about extra taxes under the tax laws and regulations of the country where your client is registered.

As a Client, can I receive invoices from freelancers from any country?

Yes. So long as your company has a valid VAT number in your registered country, the freelancer can send an invoice no matter where they live.

Is there a minimum/maximum amount for invoices and payment?

There is a limit for the minimum amount but none for the maximum amount of invoice. The minimum amount of invoicing is 100 USD or equivalent for every currency. Our handy calculator will help you do the math; start the calculator

Does my client need to sign up too?

Yes. To make a payment, your client must click the link in the e-mail that they have been sent once you launch an invoicing transaction and create a client-side account. However, if your client has already previously signed-up for beWise, they will just need to sign into their account.

That is all it takes to build a safe and secure environment for both parties: for our community of freelancers and for companies. beWise is where everyone can carry on with their business knowing they’re working in accordance with the law and relevant regulations.

What do I need to do to write an invoice via beWise?

It's very simple. You and your client need to register. First we need an ID and proof of address to verify identity. Secondly, fill in the information regarding your client, the amount of the invoice, and project information! To get paid both you and your client will need crypto wallets. That’s it! No more bureaucracy 😊

When is the invoice sent to my customer?

A pro forma invoice, in other words a preliminary bill of sale, is first sent to your client. Once the client has made the payment, the final invoice is sent. In this way you never need to worry about pending or lost invoices.

What is the difference between a “pro forma” and a “real invoice”?

A pro forma invoice is an abridged or estimated invoice sent by a seller to buyers in advance of a shipment or delivery of service. It gives details about the kind and quantity/quality of service, their price, and other important information.

It isn’t a real invoice. The real invoice is issued by beWise once the payment is made.

Does the invoice detail information about me such as my name, home address etc.?

No. The invoice includes no information other than that regarding the invoicing company, your client, and the transaction information, such as the service description, the amount to be invoiced, etc. It is made clear the service is provided via beWise. As a platform created to act in the interests of the freelance community and their clients, we take great care to protect everyone’s personal information.

Can invoices written via beWise cause any problems or raise concerns for my clients?

No. beWise operates under the EU law system. BeWise has core operations related to services offered in a country with an S-Class reputation as a business hub.

How can my client use the invoice I have issued via BeWise?

Your clients can use the invoice issued via beWise in the same way they use other invoices they receive in return for consultancy services, digital goods and services etc. The invoices generated via beWise are readily accountable, internationally acceptable, and tax-deductible receipts of service with no VAT added for services received outside the domicile of the invoice-issuing company. Clients simply need to register the invoices received via beWise according to their local regulations, in the same way they would with any other invoice.

Which services can be invoiced using the beWise platform?

Freelancers can invoice for any of the services listed in our general categorization of services and related specialisms. If your category of work doesn’t seem to be covered, please contact us to discover if we have a solution.
Here are some of the most common categories we offer as part of our invoicing service:

3D Modelling
A/B Testing
Academic Paper & Article Writing
Administrative Help
AI, Bot & Machine Learning
Architectural Engineering
Architecture Design
Audio Production
Blog Content Creation
Brand Identity Creation
CAD Design
CAD Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Cloud Architecture
Cloud Marketing Automation
Cloud Marketing Management
Consumer & Market Insight
Content Strategy
Creative & Technical Copy
CRM Software Implementation & Development
Customer Support
Cyber Security
Data Extraction & Entry
Data Mining & Management
Data Science & Analytics
Data Screening
Database Management
Design & Creative Services
eCommerce Development
eCommerce Platform Management
Editorial Content Creation
Electrical Engineering
Email Marketing
ERP Software Implementation & Development
Exterior Design
Financial Planning
Game Design & Development
General Translation
Graphic Design
Human Resources
Industrial Design
Industrial Engineering
Interior Design
IT Services
Lead Generation Service
Logo & Emblem Design
Machine Learning
Management Consultancy
Marketing Services
Marketing Strategy
Mechanical Engineering
Mobile Application Development
Music Production
Network & System Service Management
Online Teaching & Instruction & Mentoring
Outbound Marketing
Personal & Virtual Assistant
PR Management
Presentation & Slide Design
Project Management
Public Relations Management
Quantitative Analysis
Sales & Marketing
Sales and Marketing
SEM Management
SEO Management
Social Media Management
Survey Management
Talent Hunting
Translation & Localization
Video Compositing
Video Editing
Video Game Writing
Video Production
Voice Acting
Web & Mobile Design
Web Content
Web Development


Does beWise pay for my individual income tax?

No. This responsibility rests with the individial. Dependent upon local tax regulations, taxes are generally imposed upon payments received to your bank accounts. We recommend consulting your tax consultant about how to disclose any salary-related payments coming via beWise.

Which payment methods are available to your clients?

We support the systems that are most secure and low cost. Your customers can use the Tether (USDT) cryptocurrency to pay your invoice from anywhere in the world. We will also extend the payment options over time, based on customer demand and beWise’s safety and customer value criteria.

Let’s assume that I send a client an invoice of 1,000 USD. How much will I receive?

Let’s do the rocket science with our calculator 😉 Let’s write an invoice for 1000 USD. It show that you will receive $971 in the form of 971 USDT into your crypto wallet When we provide other stablecoin or fiat options the calculator will also show exactly what you receive.

Why have your prices suddenly halved?

We want to support our clients in this difficult economic climate, so we’ve reduced our prices. We’re guaranteeing the listed prices for one year from September 1st 2022 for invoice generation transactions using the $USDT (Tether) stable coin. We always transparently show our pricing on the Calculator in the Pricing tab and apply these rates. Fiat currency transactions are also at promotional rates when we can support them. Just apply for a quote.

How do beWise fees compare?

We’re the lowest cost, legally compliant integrated system for invoicing that we’ve seen and that is a deliberate. The high cost of the traditional systems is one of the reasons why Web3.0 companies want to use crypto for all kinds of payments. beWise enables that. Rimuut charges 6.9% for paying $USD to $USD payments. That should be no surprise! At the end of 2020 The World Bank estimated cross-border payment fees were 6.51% on average and bank transfer fees amounted to 11%! We only charge 4.9%

Do you convert crypto to fiat?

beWise is not an exchange, but was designed and optimized to operate as a BtoB invoice generation and payments solution system for companies and freelancers understanding the benefits of crypto transactions.

Can you arrange for invoice payment in fiat currency?

At present we’re altering our intermediary providers to reduce transaction costs for clients. Therefore at present we are avoiding fiat, but will offer this option again in future. We always recommend stable coin transactions as the optimal, lower cost method.

What is Escrow, what’s the benefit of it, and should I use it?

What is Escrow, what’s the benefit of it, and should I use it?

An escrow is a bond, deed, or other document kept by a third party on behalf of two other parties that are in the process of completing a transaction and it takes effect only when all the terms of the agreement have been fulfilled. An escrow account increases the degree of safety of the transaction for both parties.
In today’s world full of challenges, both freelancers and clients recruiting freelancers may experience a lack of trust and concerns about the safety of transactions. To eliminate this problem, we offer an escrow account where the transaction between the client and freelancer can safely take place.

Escrow is often used for:
• Large transaction amounts
• Transactions that involve the confirmation of the quality of work before payment
• The service provider requires assurance of payment before undertaking the work

beWise provides both sides with a professional escrow service offering mutual protection.
Freelancers can be sure of securing the payment they have agreed.
Clients are guaranteed that the freelancer won’t be paid until they have completed the work/service that the client ordered. In other words an escrow ensures that certain conditions are met before the final payment can take place.
Please contact us for details and service fees

Can I trust beWise with my payment?

We refer you to the list of companies who have successfully done business with beWise and for which we have enabled millions of dollars in payroll transactions.

Our organization is strongly backed by a respected investment company in business since 2013 that operates around the world. It has a robust profile in the financial services industry, a track record of client satisfaction and numerous exits in the tech industry.

What is SEPA zone?

The Single Euro Payments Area, commonly referred to as SEPA, is a European Union regulatory initiative. The objective is to standardize electronic Euro payments to make it easier to transact across the 33 SEPA Zone countries (see below for a list of SEPA Zone countries).

The idea of SEPA is to make it easier to transfer money and electronic payments between the countries within the SEPA area. This means a smoother, borderless payments zone.

SEPA Countries;
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

How does SEPA work?

A SEPA direct debit is a payment instrument for cashless payments. The payee debits money from the account of the payer. To do this, he requires a form signed by the debtor, the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate. Only then is the Creditor authorized to debit funds one or more times.

Is the UK still part of the SEPA zone?

Although the UK has left the EU it remains a participant of SEPA; the single market for processing electronic payments across Europe. Other members include: Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and the four European Sovereign States of Monaco, San Marino, Liechtenstein and Andorra.

What is the difference between SEPA and swift?

SWIFT enables money transfers internationally, while SEPA payments can only be made within the SEPA area. SWIFT transfers can be executed in various currencies while the SEPA initiative encompasses transfers in euro only. The speed at which SEPA payments are made is fast.

Extra fees outside SEPA zone and U.S.

We kindly remind you that if you trade for USD accounts outside the US or a EUR account outside the SEPA zone, your bank or payment providers may charge extra fees for using the SWIFT / BIC channels. This extra fee is not charged by the beWise Platform.

What is virtual IBAN?

A virtual account number is a system-generated unique account number which is based on logic and masks the original account number. These virtual account numbers cannot be traced to the Core Banking System and remittances to these accounts can be made only through NEFT & RTGS modes as directed by the merchant. In a nutshell, virtual accounts have all the capabilities of real bank accounts, but with added flexibility and self-service functionality. Like physical accounts, virtual accounts have unique account numbers providing clients access to all pay, receiving and reporting functions.

Is it hard to open a crypto wallet? Which crypto wallet can I trust?

Opening a crypto wallet is much more user-friendly than opening a new bank account. Not everyone has a crypto wallet yet and we understand some people might still be reluctant to start. But just think of it like learning to use your mobile banking app. The wallet apps are also normally more intuitive than bank apps, but just like when you first tried on-line banking, it can take a little time to get used to navigation. There are now many trusted providers of crypto wallets transacting billions of dollars each year. beWise has no vested interest in suggesting any particular wallet. Many new clients have found MetaMask and TrustWallet to be good choices. Coinbase also offers a well regarded wallet.

Is it legitimate for a company to open a crypto wallet?

Absolutely. Many large and publicly listed corporations are active investors and traders in the crypto world and use wallets to enable multiple kinds of transaction. The companies operating wallets and exchanges cater specially for their corporate clients and take all the necessary measures to ensure that they are complying with the stringent AML and KYC stipulations of the USA and EU systems. When opening a corporate account the wallet provider will ensure that they are complying with local laws.
The transactions happening via crypto wallets are accountable for the companies using them in the normal way.

As a freelancer what do I need to open a crypto wallet?

Each wallet is slightly different in its requirements. All the recommended wallets will want to verify some form of ID and contact information. They can do this in a matter of a few minutes. That’s it. It’s up to you how you pay money in to that wallet and remove it – for instance via a bank account, PayPal and other digital money transfer system or credit card.

As a company what do I need to open a crypto wallet?

Requirements will alter from country to country and according to the wallet provider. The process is liable to take a little longer than for private individuals, but the principles are the same. The company needs to identify its name and legal standing, who is nominated to access the wallet, preferred payment channel (eg. corporate bank account) and sometimes additional documents may need to be uploaded to verify its standing.

What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a public distributed ledger technology using cryptography to verify and keep records of transactions performed on them. A blockchain keeps data records on blocks and organizes them in chronological order. Blocks contain limited amount of data and once the limit is reached, a new block is created linked to the previous one. The data on a blockchain is secured by cryptographic proofs and can be viewed by anyone. Blockchain is the enabler of decentralized and secure databases and is used in various fields such as cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance tools, NFTs, Web3 applications etc.

Any transaction on a blockchain is validated and witnessed by peer-to-peer network of globally distributed computers (nodes). In simple terms, nodes are individuals who dedicate electricity and computing power to a specific blockchain to validate transactions. Nodes also keep a copy of the blockchain and contributing to a functioning and secure network. In return, the blockchain gives reward to the nodes in a native currency called cryptocurrency. This process is called cryptocurrency mining. Basically, anyone can become a node or validator on any blockchain. The methodology of creating and operating a particular blockchain might differ without changing the overall principles of blockchain.

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies for which the transactions are peer-to-peer and are secured on blockchain. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the most popular cryptocurrencies. The first application of a cryptocurrency is outlined in a paper called "Bitcoin: Peer-to-peer Cash System" written under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Today, there are over thousands of other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Tether, BNB, Cordana, Solana. As they're decentralized and can be used across the whole of the internet, cryptocurrencies are used as the digital alternatives of money issued by governments. Cryptocurrencies can be mined or purchased from trading platforms (exchanges).

Cryptocurrencies enables online payments without requiring third-party intermediaries. Cryptocurrencies adoption is noticably increasing and the technology brings better, cheaper and comprehensive solutions to multiple industries. Financial Technologies is the industry with the highest adoption of the technology. Crypto-enabled solutions such as payment systems, accounting, invoicing, investments etc. are becoming the preferred options. Key components to cryptocurrencies are transferablity, privacy, security, portability, transparency, irreversibility and safety. Alongside with these component features, cryptocurrencies can be transfered anywhere in the world with lower transaction completion times and lower fees. Cryptocurrencies are considered as the future of finance.

What is stable cryptocurrency (or stablecoin)?

Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies representing a pegged, or tied, value of another currency, commodity or financial instrument. The most popular stablecoins are pegged to U.S. Dollars, Euros and even gold. Stablecoins aim to protect the holders from price volatility. The use case for these cryptocurrencies is to prevent volatility while holding funds within the crypto ecosystem, and to make trading cryptocurrencies easier. There are numerous stablecoins such as USDT, USDC, Binance USD, DAI, USDN and many more. Stablecoins differ not only in having a pegged value but also in terms of the blockchain networks they use.

What is a cryptocurrency wallet?

Cryptocurrencies are stored and managed in crypto wallets. A crypto wallet has two keys - the public and the private keys. The public key is also referred to as the wallet address and can be seen by anyone. It is used to receive cryptocurrency into the wallet. On the other hand, the private key verifies the right to manage the cryptocurrency within the wallet and to send it externally. This is why, the private keys must not be shared with anyone except the owner of the wallet in order to keep the funds secure.

Each cryptocurrency may operate on a different blockchain network. Cryptocurrency wallet providers support several cryptocurrencies on different blockchain networks. Cryptocurrency Exchange Platforms are also wallet providers besides enabling trading. Picking a cryptocurrency wallet suitable for your needs may seem like a challengnig task. However, wallet providers do warn their users in advance about both the cryptocurrencies and the network they choose to support. For example, one of the most common stable cryptocurrency, Tether (USDT) operates on several blockchain networks including OMNI, Ethereum (ERC20) and AVALANCHE (AVAX). Please note that currently beWise only supports Tether (USDT) on the Tron Blockchain Network (TRC20) for cryptocurrency invoicing purposes.

Which safe and secure Tether-supporting (USDT) TRC20 Network wallet to choose is up to you. There are also cryptocurrency exchange platforms providing decentralized cryptocurrency wallets. Please follow your cryptocurrency wallet provider's instructions and do some internet research on which are the most reputable providers.

How it works?

I am under 18, can I establish my own company with beWise?

You can use beWise to build your freelance or solo business, write invoices, and receive payments if you have a valid crypto wallet. When we are facilitating fiat transactions you would need a valid bank account.

Do I need to be a part of a legal corporation to use beWise?

No, that’s the appealing side of using beWise. You can do business without being a part of a legal corporation in any country.

Which services are excluded on the platform?

Services related to physical goods (including drop shipping & eCommerce) requiring physical presence (personal training, auto repairing, office cleaning) or any service or business related to weapons, drugs, betting are excluded.

Why do you need my official ID documents?

We have our own KYC protocol. This is legally required in multiple jurisdictions where regulation strictly covers companies with operations involving financial transactions. They are primarily designed to prevent fraud and money laundering. We embrace these precautionary measures as being necessary for your safety, the safety of your clients, and the beWise platform. Your personal information is also safe and we comply to the stipulations of The General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)

What do you mean by ‘new economy invoice and payments standard’?

BeWise is the only solution that’s designed to match ‘new economy’ needs to old economy compliance without compromising ease of use. By ‘new economy’ we mean companies fully embracing digital ways of working and not just Web3.0-focussed ventures. beWise offers accountable invoicing and full legal compliance, while also providing the high speed, low cost, control and accuracy that we expect from the Web 3.0 economy.

For corporate employers there’s no need to take an audit risk by using unregulated companies without a legal footprint to solve freelance payroll issues.

For freelancers there’s no need to overpay for hard to use solutions that might not comply with the law.

What makes this beWise system safe and legal?

beWise is a platform provider that takes care of any regulatory issues and acts as the trusted intermediary provider for your client. You and your client first register. As you do so, we smoothly handle KYC compliance in accordance with EU and US laws. Our system arranges that clients have a registered service contract for the work. We utilize a network of EU-registered partner companies in your field of business to generate the invoices. It’s an audit-friendly, risk-reducing way, Web 3.0 ready way for both you and your client to do business! beWise makes sure your client gets a correct invoice. You get full payment. With both parties in the system payments can be received in a single day. Job done!

What do I need to do to write an invoice via beWise?

It's very simple. You and your client need to register. First we need an ID and proof of address to verify identity. Secondly, fill in the information regarding your client, the amount of the invoice, and project information! To get paid both you and your client will need crypto wallets. That’s it! No more bureaucracy 😊

What is the agreement service?

An agreement service is an instrument that you can use to build a contract or arrangement with your client. When you need a Service Agreement, a Non-Disclosure Agreement, etc., our agreement service tool helps you to get it done quickly and without any problems. Moreover, it's free of charge 😊

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